Our Knowledge and Experience Speaks for Itself - So We'll Listen to You, Understand Your Goals - And Help You Get There!
Often lifelong advisors and the owners they support do not know when to start planning. It’s not uncommon to wait too long before developing an exit plan. Inside every business there normally are financial adjustments to make to accounting processes, operational responsibilities to begin transitioning to other employees, client relationships to transfer, and efforts by the owner to learn how to step back from the daily management. Since most people exit a successful business once or twice in their lifetime they are often surprised at the amount of work and timing considerations involved in a business transition.
If you fail to plan you plan to fail.
A lawsuit can have a dramatic impact on your business, life, and financial future. It's not uncommon to see a completely innocent business owner reach a substantial financial settlement to AVOID costly litigation. Solution: Proactive asset protection planning, Believe us; most lawsuits can be avoided with preventative proactive planning. Remember, when presented with a potential lawsuit, an attorney will look at you and your business and determine what wealth you have exposed to satisfy the damages in the event that the litigation against you is successful.
Protect what you've earned.
Is your goal to make a million dollars or accumulate a million dollars? How much profit did your business make last year…$100,000, $250,000 - Where is that $100,000? Why spend 2500 hours a year (50 hours a week for 50 weeks) developing ways to make your business profitable or if you spend little to no time developing a strategy to accumulate wealth? A wealth preservation plan must identify threats that impact income during the year – taxes, and expenses paid with after-tax, out of pocket dollars, and impact from year to year – taxes, lawsuits, retirement planning, exit planning and estate planning.
The Goal – accumulating wealth.


We Work With Your Advisors Not Against Them
We believe in partnering with the business, the accountant, and the attorney to ensure business owners are capturing all available benefits that align with their business and personal goals.

How Do We Help You Finally Get Your Planning in Place?
We listen, then we put our knowledge and experience to work. We'll educate you on all the options that make sense and then develop a detailed plan to get it done. Our goal is to make your business and your life better. We focus on leading edge, sophisticated, and safe business strategies that will help you structure, operate and scale your business to take advantage of business and tax laws rather than being encumbered by them.

We are business transition specialists. We help owners, family members, and advisors evaluate exit and succession options and implement plans to successfully transition businesses.
Executive Center:
38 North Holly Avenue
Fox lake, IL, 60020
Main Line: 888.938.2975
Tim Foster's Direct Line: 724.518.0604
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